

Our people are our most important asset and we need to invest our time and efforts into creating a different conversation and relationship with the people of Grampian, to ensure we can provide sustainable health and care services for the future while also meeting the health and wellbeing needs of the population. 

We will build on and further develop new conversations and relationships with our colleagues and communities. We recognise that different people want to engage in different ways, so we will ensure different routes for people to get their voices heard. We recognise that, to put people and communities at the heart of what we do will require our citizens and professionals to work differently together. Colleagues need to feel engaged and supported to adopt this approach. We will continue to learn by doing – sharing the learning on how to achieve this change.


Principles that we will work to:

  • Work with people as partners in their own care.

  • Ensure we hear a wide range of voices and truly listen.

  • Use language that focuses on strengths, resilience and assets, and reduce the use of jargon.

  • Be clear about our priorities and what we will do.

  • Enable staff, patients and public to take a leading role in how care is delivered. Provide them with the tools and support they need.

  • Use trusted voices from our organisation and communities to increase the number of people we reach.

  • Demonstrate the difference this approach makes in a range of ways to build trust and momentum.



