

Why have we chosen this as a priority area of focus?

To live in a fair and vibrant society where individuals are not left behind but flourish, we intend to focus on improvements for all citizens, joining with them in partnership to improve not only population health but also reduce inequalities and ensure timely access to healthcare when needed.

We have known for a long time that people’s health and wellbeing is better when they are actively engaged in decisions about their health and care. The challenges we have seen, in particular over the COVID-19 pandemic, have brought into sharper focus the benefits of actively collaborating with communities to overcome these and support each other. Our goal is for person and community centred ways of working to become more widely understood and valued as core to the health and care system, to become the culture of how things are done.


What do we want to see 10 years from now?

  • Ongoing active, transparent and two-way engagement, continually creating connections to build trust.
  • Those with lived experience, including seldom heard voices, are an integral part of all service developments and improvements, as part of a culture of co-production.
  • All individuals are supported to access care, treatment and support in a way that is best for them.


How will we know if we have achieved that?

  • Feedback from our citizens and colleagues, and also demonstrating how we have responded to it in a timely and transparent way.
  • Multiple engagement mechanisms are in place to ensure all citizens are able to participate should they choose to.
  • Shared decision-making is embedded within all services as part of the Realistic Medicine approach.
