Examples of work so far...

Examples of changes can be seen in various ways such as physical buildings, changes to how services are delivered, the introduction of new services and who is delivering services.

Practice Moves & Mergers

There has been various practice moves and some mergers over the years, recent mergers have been the creation of Denburn Medical Practice by the merger of Northburn Medical Practice and Viaduct Medical Practice.

Whinhill Medical Practice

Belmont Medical Group and Ferryhill Medical Practice merged in December 2010 to create Whinhill Medical Practice. Whinhill Medical Practice is based in new purpose built premises on Whinhill Road, Aberdeen.

This merger is part of the ongoing primary care redesign programme. The aim of the redesign programme is to deliver the right services, in the right locations with the right people to ensure that primary care is sustainable for the future. NHS Grampian is commitment to ensure the availability of general medical services to local communities with scope to improve and possibly expand the range of services that are currently offered. The merger has brought together a sizeable team of healthcare professionals, enabling a more flexible and responsive service for patients.

New Services

  • More nurse led clinics for the management of long term conditions.
  • More minor surgery being offered in General Practice instead of having to go to hospital.
  • Some practices across the city are now offering extended hours therefore appointments may start before 8.00am and run until after 6.00pm, some Saturday morning clinics now run to enable people to fit appointments into busy schedules.

Changes to Service Delivery

  • Over the last few years the roles of primary care teams have been changing such as practice nurses seeing patients for conditions that traditionally you would have gone to the GP for.
  • Increased role of pharmacists'. A great deal of health advice and clinics are now offered and run in some pharmacies.
"I have two long term conditions which are now managed mainly by my GP and pharmacist who specialise in cardiac care. My cardiac appointments are now at my GP practice and this has made a huge difference to me. It saved me a two bus journey every week to hospital. It also helps me feel in control of my own care, and I'm fortunate that my GP practice is very proactive."
Patient/Public Representative
Published: 23/06/2022 15:50