Non-formulary requests

There will be occasional circumstances where a prescriber wishes to prescribe a medicine (licensed medicine or unlicensed medicine) that is not on the formulary. On these occasions it is essential that the prescriber considers the clinical-effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of such use and where appropriate seeks advice from appropriate medical and pharmacy colleagues. In the majority of cases the Formulary Group will have previously assessed such medicines and agreed that there are more clinically and cost-effective medicines available and recommended these for use as part of the Grampian Joint Formulary. Where the Formulary Group has not previously considered this medicine, or where there is new evidence available to support a review of an original decision, the prescriber may wish to make a Formulary Group submission using the appropriate form - see Group requests.

Where a clinician wishes to request a non-formulary medicine for an individual patient see the summary diagram for the non-formulary medicine request process, link

Further information about processes to request non-formulary licensed medicines for licensed indications can be found here.

Published: 01/10/2020 12:11