Visitor Information

Visiting times

Visitors are welcome at all reasonable times during the day, but there may be restricted visiting in some areas at certain times. Please ask the ward staff, they can advise you about suitable visiting times and advise if it is possible for you to go out of the ward with your visitors.


How to be a good visitor

Telephone calls

We appreciate that you will be anxious to learn of your relatives or friends progress by telephone. However, it would save considerable staff time if calls to the ward telephone were limited to immediate members of the family. If possible, one person only should call on behalf of the family. Please note that due to confidentiality, staff can only give out limited information over the phone.

The use of mobile phones is not permitted in the hospital. The signals can affect vital medical equipment. Please switch off your mobile phone before you enter the hospital.



Please try to keep noise levels down as noise disturbs people who are unwell.


Unauthorised photography, filming or recording

No one is allowed to make unauthorised photos, video or audio recordings in NHS Grampian buildings and grounds, particularly if they feature other patients, staff, carers, or visitors.  This is to respect the privacy and dignity of individuals using our services and also our staff.

Controlling infection - how you can help

Everyone has a role to play in helping prevent the spread of Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI). NHS staff are doing a great deal, but we can't overcome these problems without the involvement of the public.

How you can help - as a visitor

  • The most important thing is to wash and dry your hands before and after visiting the ward, particularly after going to the toilet. If there is alcohol hand gel provided at the ward door or bedside, use it. It is not there just for staff.
  • Do not visit patients if you yourself are unwell, especially if you have diarrhoea or vomiting. Stay home and do not visit (or go to work or school) until you have been free of symptoms for 48 hours.
  • Never touch dressings, drips or other equipment around the bed.
  • Do not sit on the bed.
  • Keep the number of visitors to no more than two at any one time.
  • Do not bring food that requires re-heating into hospital.
  • Try to avoid bringing in very young children when you visit.
  • Please comply with any special precautions and instructions given by members of staff, and ask advice about anything you want to bring in.
  • Don't be afraid to raise concerns about HAI with staff.

If you have any further concerns please feel free to contact the Infection Control Team on 01224 550998.

A good visitor also:

  • Always considers other patients and staff as well as his / her friend or relative.
  • Goes and finds a chair to sit on, and returns it after use.
  • Brings sensible gifts (see below).
  • Tries not to bring your children but if this is unavoidable, does not let them run riot.
  • Checks with close relatives which is the best day to visit.
  • Visits during ward visiting times and offers to leave if other visitors arrive.
  • Doesn't burden the patient with their own problems.
  • Respects the patient's confidentiality, and doesn't delve into the charts at the bottom of the bed.
  • Is willing to take home the patient's personal laundry.



When in hospital, relatives and friends often bring in a patient's favourite food from home as a treat. Any food brought in should be branded goods, in sealed packets with a sell by date.  It should not require re-heating.  Please speak to the nurse in charge before giving a patient food brought from outside the hospital.

Please note that the hospital cannot accept responsibility for foods not prepared by us.


Gifts etc. - what can I take?


Small flower arrangements
Plants in containers


Tobacco products
Large bulky products
Large amounts of food
Food that needs re-heating

Published: 22/10/2020 10:22