Going Home
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Psychological and Emotional Adjustment

Leaving hospital can cause many different feelings. For some it can be a relief, however it can also bring about worry or sadness about how to cope post-surgery. You may also be experiencing varying degrees of physical discomfort and pain. This is often expected, however please speak to any member of staff before going home if you have any concerns.

Recovery is different for everyone for lots of reasons. Day-to-day living may look different for a while, and it may take time to adjust to the changes in your body post-surgery. Poor mental health can impact on physical recovery from surgery and therefore taking steps to manage it is important.

The following information may help:

  • Allow time for recovery and pace yourself
  • Get outside and take in nature, if possible. However, even watching nature from inside or on television has been proven to be beneficial to mental health
  • Take some exercise, although follow your treatment team’s advice. Even small amounts of exercise or stretching is proven to benefit our mental health
  • If you are feeling overwhelmed or your thoughts are racing, stop and take some slow deep breathes, in for 4 and out for 4
  • Find time to take a break from thinking about recovery and do something fun or relaxing
  • Connect socially with other people